June Season Flowers - Indian Blooms for Your Garden

June Season Flowers

June is the peak of summer in India. The time, when most parts of India receive maximum daylight and we have the brightest of the flowers to compensate the heat and humidity we are being subjected to otherwise! Want to know about flowers in India, read here! For flowers that bloom in June, read on!roses in June season flowers

Marigold for the Season in June:

The flowers literally bring sunshine to your doorsteps. Available in light yellow and golden yellow colour, the marigold flower is used extensively for wedding décor and religious purpose. The fragrance of the flowers is pleasant and noticeable. This fragrance makes it bug-repellant. These could be the fun and colourful addition to your garden or home décor this season.

Marigold flowers in June season

Roses to Bloom In June:

This woody perennial plant needs no introduction. A favourite on Valentine’s Day, these flowers are perfect to send warmth, love and care on the way to your loved ones! Roses come in an array of colours such as white, red, yellow and orange. Black roses are still elusive for the botanists and scientists.  Roses also have medicinal properties too.  This June season flower plant tends to attract bugs and pests, hence, having marigold flowers planted next to them help a lot. Some amazing facts about roses are here.Indian Blooms in June Season

Hibiscus Flowers in June:

The flower comes in bright colours, making it perfect for the summer garden. Available in pink, red, white, yellow and purple, hibiscus flowers are the state flowers of Hawaii. They bring the much-needed tropical feel to your décor.  Shop for hibiscus flowers.ibiscus flowers in June season


These flowers look very elegant and are easy to grow. The lilies are prominent flowers and hardy. Available in a variety of colours, the flowers add a dash of class and much-needed nature to your living space. The fragrance is subtle and barely there. Stargazers lilies are in fact, the most sought-after lily bouquets in summers. In the world of flowers, they stand for passion, purity and elegance.June season flowers in India


These rainbow flowers in June season are intolerant to rains and this is why perfect as container and basket plant. Petunias are large flowers and an annual plant. It was believed that the flowers cannot thrive in places that have negative vibes and chase away bad odour, vibes as well as underworld spirits. These are pollinated by insects generally and need at least five hours of sunlight every day, making it totally apt as a June flower.